Gabriel, a genius who loves to share his knowledge

Gabriel, a genius who loves to share his knowledge

My husband and I enjoyed beautiful, pleasant, serene days in the Oaxaca area with Gabriel, to include visits to a petrified waterfall, mescal farm, weavers and potterers studios, local Sunday market... and so much more. Beautiful people, culture and territory. Thank you for a memory we won't forget. See you again, dear friend. Mike and Paula, Sedona Arizona

Paula M - Sedona, Arizona

Tours in Oaxaca

Paula M - Sedona, Arizona

My husband and I enjoyed beautiful, pleasant, serene days in the Oaxaca area with Gabriel, to include visits to a petrified waterfall, mescal farm, weavers and potterers studios, local Sunday market... and so much more. Beautiful people, culture and territory. Thank you for a memory we won't forget. See you again, dear friend. Mike and Paula, Sedona Arizona